Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gay Diva Hairdresser Refuses New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez A Haircut

The Republican Governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez, allegedly received three haircuts from a Santa Fe hairdresser who will go unnamed here as he is obviously preening for publicity. When Martinez’ aide called for another appointment, the hairdresser, allegedly, refused due to the Governor’s stance on same-sex marriage. AND THEN, allegedly, he went to the press! Now imagine that a heterosexual hairdresser of either gender, refused to cut a person’s hair because the client was was gay or lesbian, or advocated for same-sex marriage. What do you think would happen? A lawsuit would happen. Obnoxious protestors would hang around outside, bankruptcy would follow; nothing but grief and misery.

But this diva (not Martinez) will be considered an icon in the gay community, and those progressives in Santa Fe will no doubt flock to his “shop.”

The diva went to KOB-TV to tell his story and he added some color; not only did Martinez’ office call and get refused, they called back to see if he had changed his mind. Now, can you imagine that? I can believe that an aide called to make an appointment. I have a difficult time believing the aide called twice, to essentially beg.

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